My Profile

Personalise your Toolbot experience by setting up your profile.

Customise your Toolbot account by adding a photo and updating your contact details and social media accounts. Please be aware that your full name, mobile, and email address will be used on any estimates, quotes or invoices you create.

The My Profile tab can be found in the My Profile section. In the top right-hand side of the Toolbot screen, click on your name to open the menu and select My Profile, where you can update the following information:

About Me

Use this form to add and update your personal information.


Upload a photo or avatar of yourself to personalise your account. This photo is not currently visible to anyone outside of your account, but please be aware that this may change in future as interactive services are added to Toolbot.

To upload a photo, click Change. Use the Open dialogue to navigate to the image you want to use. A JPG or PNG is best. Click Change to replace your current photo, or Remove to delete it.


Optionally, you can select your title from the list: Mr, Ms, Mrs, or Miss. This will appear on your estimates, quotes, and invoices if you choose to include it.

First Name

Enter your first name, or update the name already shown. This will appear on your estimates, quotes, and invoices.

Last Name

Enter your last name, or update the name already shown. This will appear on your estimates, quotes, and invoices.


Enter your email address, or update the email address already shown. This will appear on your estimates, quotes, and invoices, and is used for any correspondence from the Toolbot support team, or if you signed up for our marketing newsletter.


Enter your mobile, number or update the number already shown. This will appear on your estimates, quotes, and invoices. Your mobile number is not used for any correspondence from the Toolbot support team.


Optionally, you can include your Twitter handle. This is not currently included in your estimates, quotes, and invoices.


Optionally, you can include your Facebook page. This is not currently included in your estimates, quotes, and invoices.


Optionally, you can include your LinkedIn profile page. This is not currently included in your estimates, quotes, and invoices.


Optionally, you can include your Instagram handle. This is not currently included in your estimates, quotes, and invoices.

After changing your information, click Save.

Need some help?

🙋 If you need help at any time, simply drop us a line and one of our friendly support team will be on hand to advise. We want you to love Toolbot as much as we do and get the most out of it.

Last updated