Registered Address
Add your business address to personalise your Toolbot account.
Toolbot will automatically add your business address to your estimates, quotes, or invoices that you create.
The Registered Address tab is located in the My Profile section, where you can update the following information:
Business Address
You can use the Search Address lookup to find your address. Start typing in your address until your address is listed, click to select the address or press Enter to auto-complete the form, then click Save.
Alternatively, fill in the following details to manually add your address:
Address 1
Enter the first line of your address, including your house, office, or unit name/number if you have one.
Address 2
Optionally, you can enter another address line.
Ensure you include your postal town, this is a compulsory field.
Post Code
Enter your postal code, this field is required.
Optionally, select your county from the list.
When you have finished updating your details, click Save.
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Last updated
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