
Find out how to contact our support team when you need help. We promise no automated chatbots, no AI, just real people who are happy to hear from you.

Email the Toolbot Support Team

If you need help at any time, simply drop us a line and one of our friendly support team will be on hand to advise. We want you to love Toolbot as much as we do and get the most out of it.

Email Us

Click here to send an email to the our friendly, support team. Use this address to:

  • Ask a question.

  • Report a bug.

  • Get help using Toolbot.

  • Suggest a new feature.

  • Or anything else.

From Toolbot

You can also use the contact form within Toolbot. From the main menu, click Contact Us. From the pop-up window, choose from the following:

  • Get support: get help using Toolbot

  • Found an issue: report a problem to our IT team

  • Feedback: let us know what you think about Toolbot

Fill in the details, and click Send. Our support team will be in touch as soon as they can.

Last updated